Echeveria setosa var. deminuta (Firecracker Plant) is an attractive succulent that forms small rosettes of club-shaped blue-green leaves …
Browsing: Mexico
Echeveria globulosa is a cute succulent plant that forms compact rosettes of fleshy pointed leaves. It spreads quickly to form a compact …
Echeveria cuspidata var. gemmula is a succulent plant that usually forms a solitary rosette of fleshy, narrow, bluish-green leaves …
Echeveria cuspidata var. zaragozae is a small succulent that forms a usually solitary rosette of bluish-green leaves suffused pinkish on …
Sedum oxypetalum (Dwarf Tree Stonecrop) is a succulent shrub with much-branched stems with flaking bark and papillose twigs that hold …
Yucca rostrata (Beaked Yucca) is a tree-like plant with one or more upright woody stems with an approximately hemispherical crown of …
Echinocereus poselgeri (Dahlia Cactus) is a shrubby cactus with slender, sparingly branched, initially erect, later sprawling or …
Sedum greggii is a small succulent that forms cone-shaped rosettes at the base of the flowering stems. Leaves are alternate oblanceolate …
Echeveria cuspidata is a succulent plant with thick green or gray-green leaves with red tips that overlap in rosettes that often resemble …
Echeveria amoena (Baby Echeveria) is a small succulent that forms dense rosettes of glaucous green, often pinkish or reddish leaves. The …