Jatropha cathartica (Berlander's Nettlespurg) also known as Jatropha berlandieri, is an attractive plant with woody caudex and erect …
Browsing: Mexico
Graptopetalum paraguayense subsp. bernalense (Ghost Plant), also known as Graptopetalum bernalense, is a very interesting succulent …
Sedum ×luteoviride is a small succulent shrub with thick fleshy leaves inserted at right angles to the branches. It grows up to 6 inches …
Dasylirion longissimum (Mexican Grass Tree) is a large succulent with long, arching, grass-like leaves that radiate symmetrically out of …
Graptopetalum pentandrum (Five-stamen Graptopetalum) is a succulent shrublet that forms rosettes of fleshy, pointed leaves at the ends of …
Pelecyphora strobiliformis (Pinecone Cactus) is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with globose to flattened globose, yellowish-green stems …
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa (Red Rhipsalis), also known as Rhipsalis ramulosa or Kimnachia ramulosa, is a much-branched, spineless cactus …
Echeveria gigantea is a succulent plant with an unbranched stem crowned by a large rosette of green to gray-green leaves with a slightly…
Opuntia microdasys var. pallida (Bunny Ears Cactus) is a cactus that forms a dense shrub of many green pad-like stem segments with …
Dasylirion wheeleri (Desert Spoon) is a robust, long-lived succulent with strap-shaped, whitish or bluish-green leaves that radiate from …