Agave gypsophila (Gypsum Century Plant) is a succulent plant that forms a rosette of wavy, gray leaves with small, soft, sharp marginal …
Browsing: Mexico
Mammillaria marksiana is a beautiful small cactus with flattened globose stems with pyramidal tubercles woolly in the axils and tipped …
Echeveria macdougallii is an upright succulent shrub with small rosettes that grow on woody stems. It can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) …
Coryphantha ramillosa (Bunched Cory Cactus) s a small cactus with deep-seated stems with the aerial portion usually hemispheric or more or …
Coryphantha cornifera (Rhinoceros Cactus) is a small cactus with a depressed-spherical, usually solitary stem with conical, spirally …
Astrophytum coahuilense (Bishop's Cap) is an attractive, slow-growing cactus similar to Astrophytum myriostigma. However, they have …
Opuntia cochenillifera 'Variegata' (Warm Hand Cactus), also known as Nopalea cochenillifera 'Variegata', is an attractive, shrubby or …
Callisia repens (Turtle Vine) is a much-branched, mat-forming succulent with 2-ranked leaves gradually reduced toward the ends of …
Sedum commixtum is a succulent subshrub that forms lax rosettes at the ends of the branches. The branches are initially fleshy, blue …
Mammillaria matudae is a small cactus with cylindrical stems covered with conical tubercles, each tipped with dense clusters of short …