Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy) is a succulent shrublet with upright to slightly leaning branches that bear fleshy leaves with …
Browsing: Madagascar
Xerosicyos danguyi (Silver Dollar Vine) is a dioecious climbing succulent with slender cylindrical stems branching from the base and thick…
Uncarina decaryi (Succulent Sesame) is a caudiciform tree that starts with a nice caudex covered with grayish-ochre bark and ends with a…
Ipomoea bolusiana is a small caudiciform plant with a thick tuberous rootstock and one or several erect or prostrate stems with green…
Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda Plant) is a beautiful succulent shrub with erect, basally woody stems and fleshy, furry leaves. It can reach a …
Kalanchoe rhombopilosa (Pies from Heaven) is an attractive succulent with woody upright or sprawling stems that bear silvery-green…
Alluaudia ascendens is a spiny succulent tree with heart-shaped leaves growing directly from the trunk. It grows up to 40 feet (12 m) tall…
Alluaudia procera (Madagascar Ocotillo) is an unusual spiny succulent shrub or small tree with paired rounded leaves and grey spines that…
Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Devil's Backbone), also known as Bryophyllum daigremontianum, is a succulent plant with brownish, unbranched …
Pachypodium lamerei (Madagascar Palm) is a semi-deciduous succulent tree with a silver-gray trunk, generally solitary or scarcely branched…