Aloe calcairophila is a small, slow-growing succulent with fan-shaped (distichous) rosettes of fleshy, grayish-green leaves. It grows 4 …
Browsing: Madagascar
Kalanchoe millotii (Millot Kalanchoe) is a succulent shrublet with erect, woody branches and fleshy, green to greyish-green leaves, all …
Aloe castilloniae is a small, creeping succulent with leafy stems tipped by rosettes of olive green, recurved leaves with red teeth along …
Euphorbia milii var. roseana (Crown of Thorns) is a deciduous succulent shrub with upright spiny branches and bright green, inversely …
Aloe parvula is a small succulent that forms a stemless, usually solitary rosette of triangular leaves with small bumps tipped with small …
Euphorbia platyclada (Dead Plant) is an odd succulent subshrub with a small rootstock and leafless, somewhat flattened stems with an …
Kalanchoe tetraphylla is a succulent plant with an upright, woody stem bearing a terminal rosette of short, broad, reddish or green …
Aloe descoingsii is a small succulent that stemless rosettes of dull green, triangular leaves with with toothed margins and decorative …
Adenia stylosa (Candlestick Plant) is an impressive pachycaul shrub or liana with fleshy, vine-like branches that grow from a caudex with …
Adansonia grandidieri (Grandidier's Baobab) is a magnificent tree with a massive cylindrical trunk topped with a flat-topped crown with a …