Aloe dawei is a succulent plant with erect or decumbent stems and fleshy, lance-shaped leaves with reddish-brown teeth along the margins …
Browsing: Africa
Kalanchoe nyikae is a succulent plant with stems that bear brownish-green or glaucous leaves covered with a frostlike bloom. The stems …
Kalanchoe prittwitzii is a succulent plant with erect or basally decumbent stems and glaucous or somewhat glaucous leaves, variable in…
Haworthiopsis limifolia (Fairy Washboard), formerly known as Haworthia limifolia, is a succulent plant that forms compact, stemless…
Sedum caespitosum (Broad-leaved Stonecrop), also known as Sedum cespitosum, is a small annual succulent with erect, usually solitary, or …
Euphorbia tirucalli (Pencil Tree) is a succulent shrub or small tree that usually grows up to 16.5 feet (5 m) tall but occasionally may …
Coleus hadiensis (Vicks Plant), formerly known as Plectranthus hadiensis, is a semi-succulent shrub with erect to decumbent stems and …
Carpobrotus chilensis (Chilean Sea Fig) is an edible succulent with prostrate stems that bear glaucous leaves. The stems can carpet the …
Adenia globosa is a deciduous shrub or a climbing plant with branches growing from a globular, green, warty caudex. The caudex can reach …
Aeonium leucoblepharum is a succulent shrub with branched sprawling or hanging stems with prominent leaf scars and rosettes of fleshy …