Curio herreanus (String of Watermelons), formerly known as Senecio herreanus or Senecio herreianus, is a stunning succulent with trailing …
Browsing: Namibia
Fockea angustifolia is a caudiciform plant with erect or climbing stems growing from a large tuber. The stems are slender, woody, and …
Tylecodon buchholzianus is a small, winter-growing succulent shrub with a swollen, irregularly shaped stem and many erect to spreading or …
Curio sulcicalyx, formerly known as Senecio sulcicalyx, is an interesting small succulent with underground tuberous roots, short branches …
Tylecodon singularis is an unusual succulent geophyte with tuberous roots that usually produce one, rarely up to 4 fleshy leaves …
Curio rowleyanus (String of Pearls), formerly known as Senecio rowleyanus, is a popular succulent with trailing stems lined with small …
Tylecodon paniculatus (Butter Tree) is a robust succulent shrub with a caudiciform trunk that is usually well-branched and can grow up to …
Stoeberia frutescens is a succulent shrub with ray-green leaves that grow in opposite pairs on yellowish-green to slightly orange …
Albuca namaquensis (Spiral Grass) is a small geophyte with deciduous curly leaves and tall bloom stalks with pale yellow flowers …
Schwantesia ruedebuschii is a stemless succulent that forms dense clumps of fleshy, bluish-grey leaves arranged in 2 to 4 unequal …