Succulents do not always fare well when exposed to the hot sun day in and day out. In nature, they often grow under or near a shrub or tree, receiving bright light but not constant direct sunlight. Therefore, do not automatically plant your succulents smack-dab in the middle of the garden, where they receive endless hours of direct sunlight, especially during the summer. Instead, carefully select their growing location where your plants will receive enough sunlight, but not too much.
1. Determine how much direct sunlight your succulents should receive each day. Consider whether they require only 4 hours of direct sunlight daily, which is the case with most succulents. Plan to provide succulents with afternoon shade in areas scorched by the hot summer sun.
2. Plant your succulents on the east side of a building, tree, or another structure exposed to the morning sun if your plant should be protected from the afternoon sun. If desired, plant them under a tree that receives filtered sunlight throughout the summer, protecting them from the afternoon sun. Alternatively, plant your succulents in a sunnier location if your climate is mild and not afflicted with hot, scorching summer days.

3. Examine your succulents 2 to 4 weeks after planting and several times during the summer. Notice whether they are indented or have a tan, yellow, or red color on the side that faces the most sun, both of which indicate that your plants are receiving too much direct sunlight. Determine whether your succulents are not growing well, which could mean they need more sunlight, especially if you provide proper water and fertilizer.
4. Transplant your succulents to a sunnier spot or prune nearby trees and shrubs to increase sunlight exposure, if necessary. Alternatively, transplant your succulents to a shadier site or plant a shrub or other plants near them to provide more shade if your plants get too much sunlight.
Keep your succulents in a container for the first growing season to easily move them around until you find the best location.
Slowly acclimate your succulents to their new growing location before planting them, especially if they were previously indoor plants. Place them in the sun for 2 hours a day for 1 or 2 days. Then, increase the time they spend in direct sunlight by half an hour every day until they are exposed to the same amount of the sun as they will get in their new location.
Sketch your landscape and mark possible planting locations. Then, take a day to examine and record the amount of sunlight each area gets and what time of day.
- Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus