There is a lot to love about gardening with succulents. These attractive plants are drought-tolerant and low-maintenance, making them ideal for busy gardeners of all ages. In addition, under the right conditions, these carefree plants rarely suffer from diseases or pests. To get you started, here are several helpful tips for growing succulents.
What are Succulents?
Succulents are plants that store water in their thick, fleshy stems and leaves. They come in a wide array of colors, shapes, and textures. Many succulents bloom in different colors, but they are often valued most for their foliage. The leaves can be variegated and come in colors ranging from blue-gray and green to yellow, pink, and red.
Raised Beds or Gardens
Succulents require excellent drainage. If you have heavy clay soil, consider gardening with succulents in raised beds with plenty of coarse sand or pea gravel mixed with organic matter. Do not mulch heavily with wood chips, as this could retain too much moisture in rainy areas.

Gardening with Succulents in Containers
Succulents grow well in containers, making it convenient to bring the plants indoors during colder weather. Terracotta containers are excellent for gardening with succulents because they provide good drainage.
When growing succulents in containers, use a fast-draining potting mix designed for cacti and succulents. Or, consider adding perlite to increase drainage in your potting soil.
Many succulents are shallow-rooted, so they grow well in shallow containers with drainage holes. Cover drain holes with fine screens, so the soil does not wash out.
Experiment with mixing succulents like Agaves, Echeverias, and Sedums with other drought-tolerant plants for a dramatic effect. Or plant a single species in a pot to showcase its beauty.

Be Creative!
Think outside of the pot with succulents. These shallow-rooted plants can be used on wreaths, vertical walls, and even outdoor tables.
Whether you enjoy succulents in containers or on the ground, these carefree plants offer your garden outstanding color, texture, and form.
- Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus