Frailea is a genus of small cacti that rarely reach 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. They are native to Brazil. These cacti are pretty interesting in their form, but their life cycle is even more surprising. Several species of this genus are available for home growers, but the plants are considered threatened in their native habitat.
This genus is named for Manuel Fraile, who once was in charge of the cactus collection of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Growing Fraileas is not difficult, and these little plants are super starter plants for the novice gardener or just for someone who travels consistently but wants to come home to a living thing.
The majority of these plants grow as solitary little flattened domes. The spines are extremely tiny and arrayed along the ribs. The stem may range from chocolate to reddish-green, with several other color variations possible. The plant often produces a fuzzy white fruit that dries to a fragile, membranous capsule filled with large seeds. This fruit is often a surprise as flowers are rare and are cleistogamous, meaning they do not need to open to produce fruit and seed.
If you are lucky enough to observe a full bloom, the flower will be larger than the plant's body and have rich sulfur yellow. Growing Fraileas is easy from seed as germination is quick and reliable.

Growing Conditions and General Care
Fraileas perform best in full sun but be cautious about placing them too close to a window where the flesh can burn. The tone of the cactus is darkest when it enjoys a full day of sunlight.
These are short-lived plants that rarely exceed 15 years before they die back. Here is a fun bit of Frailea information. If plants are growing where no water is available, they have the interesting ability to hide in the soil. Do not be shocked if your plant seems to have disappeared, as it is simply retracted under the soil just as it would in the dry season in its native region. Once sufficient moisture is available, the plant swells and is again visible on the top of the soil.
Caring for Fraileas is a balancing act between sufficient moisture and periods of soil drying, so watering is the biggest challenge in Fraileas care. Choose water that is free from heavy minerals. Water well once per week in summer, but in spring and fall, water only once every three weeks or when the soil is dry to the touch. The plants experience no growth in winter and do not need water.
Once per month during the growing season, use diluted cactus food. You can bring your indoor specimens outside in summer, but be careful to get them back indoors before any cold temperatures threaten.
Repot every few years with a well-draining soil mix. Plants rarely need a larger pot and are pretty content to be crowded. If you spot a seed pod, crack it open, sow seed in a flat with cactus mix and keep it moderately moist in a sunny location.
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