Phedimus subcapitatus, formerly known as Hylotelephium subcapitatum or Sedum subcapitatum, is a succulent plant with a woody rootstock and…
Browsing: Phedimus
Phedimus is a genus of succulent plants in the family Crassulaceae.
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Phedimus takesimensis 'Atlantis', formerly known as Sedum takesimense 'Atlantis', is a striking succulent that forms ground-covering …
Phedimus stevenianus, formerly known as Sedum stevenianum, is a rare succulent with very short, branching, ascending, densely leafy…
Phedimus middendorfianus f. striatus, formerly known as Sedum middendorffianum f. striatum, is a succulent plant with numerous erect or…
Phedimus litoralis (Popov Island Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum litorale, is a succulent plant with a simple elongated creeping…
Phedimus hybridus (Hybrid Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum hybridum, is a succulent plant with thick woody rootstock and profusely…
Phedimus selskanianus (Amur Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum selskianum, is a succulent plant with a thick, woody rootstock and red …
Phedimus aizoon var. floribundus (Aizoon Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum aizoon var. floribundum, is a succulent plant with upright …
Phedimus spurius 'Voodoo' (Voodoo Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum spurium 'Voodoo', is a mat-forming succulent with branched stems…
Phedimus obtusifolius, also known as Sedum obtusifolium, is a succulent plant with an interesting and unusual life cycle. It differs from …