Hoya obscura (Red Wax Plant) is a fast-growing vining plant with long, branching stems and veined, nearly elliptical leaves ranging from …
Browsing: Hoya
Hoya is a genus of 200–300 species of tropical plants in the family Apocynaceae. Most are native to Asia including India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia, There is a great diversity of species in the Philippines, and species in Polynesia, New Guinea, and Australia. This genus was named by botanist Robert Brown, in honor of his friend, botanist Thomas Hoy.
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Hoya compacta 'Regalis' is an attractive variegated succulent with slender stems and fleshy, curled, dark green leaves edged in creamy …
Hoya carnosa 'Compacta' (Hindu Rope Plant), also known as Hoya compacta or Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl', is a semi-succulent plant with …
Hoya pachyclada (Wax Plant) is a beautiful plant with usually short, densely clothed stems with very thick, fleshy green leaves with red …
Hoya kerrii 'Variegata' (Sweetheart Hoya) is a slow-growing, semi-succulent plant with vining stems and bright green, heart-shaped leaves …
Hoya carnosa (Wax Plant) is a common houseplant with slender, smooth, pale gray stems that twine and climb bearing glossy, dark green …
Hoya kerrii (Sweetheart Hoya) is a climbing plant with slender stout stems and succulent heart-shaped leaves. The stems grow up to 13 …
Hoya macgillivrayi is a fast-growing climber with twining stems that bear oval pointed leaves. It is one of the most spectacular species in…