Euphorbia decaryi is a small, shrubby succulent with swollen roots and erect to creeping stems bearing attractive, fleshy leaves tufted in …
Browsing: Euphorbia
Euphorbia is a genus of succulent plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae. It is the fourth largest genus of flowering plants. The species are primarily found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Madagascar. The name of the genus derives from Euphorbus, the Greek physician of king Juba II of Numidia, who married the daughter of Anthony and Cleopatra.
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Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost' is an eye-catching succulent shrub or small tree with 3- or 4-angled, almost entirely white branches with …
Euphorbia enopla (Pincushion Euphorbia) is a much-branched succulent shrub with ribbed stems with decorative spines tightly arranged in …
Euphorbia tulearensis is a charming small succulent that develops a wooden tuberous caudex with a crown of thick and short or elongated …
Euphorbia mammillaris (Indian Corn Cob) is a succulent shrublet with many erect, ribbed, club-like stems with lateral branches and …
Euphorbia obesa subsp. symmetrica (Stone Spurge), also known as Euphorbia symmetrica, is a small succulent with a nearly spherical …
Euphorbia tithymaloides 'Variegatus', formerly known as Pedilanthus tithymaloides 'Variegatus', is a succulent shrub with green, white …
Euphorbia meloformis subsp. valida, also known as Euphorbia valida, is a dwarf succulent with spherical stems with obscure tubercles …
Euphorbia lomelii (Slipper Plant), formerly known as Pedilanthus macrocarpus, is an unusual slow-growing succulent with slender …
Euphorbia milii var. roseana (Crown of Thorns) is a deciduous succulent shrub with upright spiny branches and bright green, inversely …