Crassula pellucida subsp. brachypetala is a succulent plant with decumbent stems and glabrous to rarely hairy leaves that vary from …
Browsing: Crassula
Crassula is a large genus of succulent plants native to many parts of the world, but the species that are used in gardening or by collectors are coming almost exclusively from South Africa.
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Crassula plegmatoides is a small succulent with erect to decumbent stems and gray, rarely grey-green leaves closely clasping around the …
Crassula exilis subsp. cooperi is a branched succulent that forms dense cushions, often covering large soil areas under rocks. The stems …
Crassula 'Justus Corderoy' is a small succulent shrub with reddish-brown stems and thick, fleshy, deep green leaves with an unusual…
Crassula marchandii is an attractive succulent with smooth, shiny leaves stacked to create square columns. It grows up to 5 inches (12.5 …
Crassula 'Rosa Marina' is an attractive succulent with green leaves closely appressed around slender stems, forming clear 4-angled …
Crassula elegans (Elegant Crassula) is a small, sprawling succulent with a fleshy or slightly woody base and short, much-branched stems …
Crassula nudicaulis (Naked-stalked Crassula) is a low-growing succulent that usually forms several basal rosettes of green or yellowish …
Crassula ovata 'Pink Beauty' (Pink Jade Plant) is a branching succulent with thick stems that hold glossy-green, obovate leaves with red…
Crassula dependens is a succulent plant with decumbent to prostrate, moderately branched stems that bear fleshy, green, lance-shaped …