Conophytum limpidum (Eye Leaves) is a dwarf succulent with bodies consisting of a pair of fleshy leaves fussed into cylindrical to …
Browsing: Conophytum
Conophytum is a genus of miniature succulent plants that belong to the Aizoaceae family. The species are native to South Africa and Namibia. The name is derived from the Latin word "conus", meanig "cone" and the Greek word "phytum", meanig "plant". The plants are also known as Buttons, Water Blisters, Cone Plants, Dumplings or Button Plants.
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Conophytum ficiforme (Button Plants) is a dwarf succulent that forms a compact dome-shaped clump or cushion of fig-shaped, often two …
Conophytum meyeri is a dwarf, freely branching succulent that forms domed or straggly cushions of well-fused leaf-pairs. It can grow up …
Conophytum marginatum subsp. haramoepense is a dwarf succulent with long-cylindrical or pear-shaped bodies, convex at the apex, and …
Conophytum marginatum is a dwarf succulent with long-cylindrical or pear-shaped bodies, keeled at the apex and often bilobate. It freely …
Conophytum wittebergense is a dwarf succulent that forms loose mats or domes of glabrous to finely papillate leaf bodies attractively …
Conophytum calculus (Marble Buttons) is a dwarf succulent with two leaves fused into a spherical body that multiplies with age to form a …
Conophytum herreanthus subsp. rex is a dwarf succulent that forms a clump of short bodies composed of two thick, fleshy, pale grey or …
Conophytum chauviniae is a dwarf succulent that forms clumps of hear-shaped bodies that consist of two thick, fleshy, partially fused …
Conophytum bilobum subsp. gracilistylum is a dwarf succulent that forms a clump of stemless two-lobed bodies composed of two thick, fleshy …