Sempervivum calcareum 'Sir William Lawrence' is a small succulent that forms attractive rosettes of grey-green leaves tipped with maroon …
Browsing: Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae, also known as the Stonecrop family or the Orpine family, is a family of dicotyledons with succulent leaves. They are generally herbaceous but there are some subshrubs, and relatively few treelike or aquatic plants. They are found worldwide, but mostly occur in the Northern Hemisphere and southern Africa, typically in dry and/or cold areas where water may be scarce. The family includes approximately 1,200-1,500 species and 34 genera.
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Sedum hirsutum (Hairy Stonecrop) is a low-growing succulent with thin stolons, each with a terminal, rooting rosette of small, fleshy …
×Graptoveria 'Silver Star' is a beautiful succulent that forms tight rosettes of silvery-green leaves with pale margins and a distinctive …
Sedum praealtum (Green Cockscomb) is a succulent subshrub with sub-woody, much-branched stems and fleshy, smooth leaves. It can grows up to …
Crassula dependens is a succulent plant with decumbent to prostrate, moderately branched stems that bear fleshy, green, lance-shaped …
Petrosedum forsterianum (Rock Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum forsterianum, is a succulent plant with branches that trail along the …
Crassula peploides is a low-growing succulent that spreads to form a mat. It can grow up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) tall. The leaves are …
Echeveria 'Mauna Loa' is a spectacular succulent that forms large rosettes of colorful leaves that crinkle and frill at the edges …
Echeveria lutea (Yellow Echeveria) is a beautiful small succulent that typically forms a solitary rosette of narrow, reddish-purple …
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Painted Butterfly', usually sold as Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Aurora Borealis', is a small shrubby succulent with …