Sedum acre (Goldmoss Stonecrop) is a mat-forming succulent with trailing, laxly branched, nonflowering shoots ascending at the tip and …
Browsing: Crassulaceae
Crassulaceae, also known as the Stonecrop family or the Orpine family, is a family of dicotyledons with succulent leaves. They are generally herbaceous but there are some subshrubs, and relatively few treelike or aquatic plants. They are found worldwide, but mostly occur in the Northern Hemisphere and southern Africa, typically in dry and/or cold areas where water may be scarce. The family includes approximately 1,200-1,500 species and 34 genera.
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Sempervivum 'Oddity' (Oddity Houseleek), also known as Sempervivum tectorum 'Oddity', is an unusual succulent that creates a mat of …
Crassula helmsii (Swamp Stonecrop) is a small aquatic or semiterrestrial succulent with creeping or floating, much-branched stems with …
Aeonium ciliatum is a succulent subshrub with apical rosettes of dark green, spathulate leaves with weakly ciliated, often reddish …
Aeonium davidbramwellii is a few-branched succulent shrub with ascending branches and large rosettes of dark green leaves with reddish …
Aeonium 'Sunburst' (Copper Pinwheel) is a succulent shrub that forms beautiful rosettes of variegated, spoon-shaped leaves on bare, grey …
Petrosedum rupestre 'Angelina' (Golden Sedum), formerly known as Sedum rupestre 'Angelina', is a mat-forming succulent with much …
Petrosedum rupestre (Reflexed Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum rupestre or Sedum reflexum, is a mat-forming succulent with prostrate …
Echeveria 'Blue Waves' is a low-growing succulent that forms dense rosettes of thick fleshy leaves with wavy margins. It is a little less…
Echeveria 'Blue Curls' is a succulent plant with a usually solitary rosette of powdery blue-green wavy leaves that take on a pink hue in…