Lepismium houlletianum is a much-branched cactus with cylindrical primary stems and flattened secondary stem segments with serrated …
Browsing: Cactaceae
The family Cactaceae (cactus, cacti) is divided into four subfamilies (Pereskioideae, Opuntioideae, Cactoideae and Maihuenioideae), around 125 – 130 genera and 1,400 – 1,500 species of flowering plants with succulent (water-storing) stems.
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Ariocarpus scaphirostris (Living Rock Cactus) is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with a dark green to brown, subglobose stem with large …
Acanthocalycium spiniflorum is a small cactus with globular stems that become cylindrical with age. It usually grows solitary but may …
Echinocereus scheeri subsp. gentryi is a branched cactus with cylindrical stems with 4 to 5 ribs and very short spines. The stems grow up …
Hatiora × graeseri (Easter Cactus) is a freely branching shrub with pendent stems that consists of flat, mid-green segments. Hatiora …
Rhipsalis cereuscula (Coral Cactus) is a shrubby cactus with light green stems crowned with clusters of tiny rice-shaped joints …
Rhipsalis pachyptera is a spineless, much-branched cactus with semi-erect to somewhat pendent stems with many segments with a cylindrical …
Schlumbergera opuntioides is a shrubby cactus with green, leafless stems of distinct segments with areoles that usually bear bristles …
Echinocereus viereckii is a much-branched cactus with cylindrical, yellowish-green to bright green stems with 6 to 9 tuberculate ribs …
Mammillaria solisioides (Pitayita) is a small cactus that usually grows as a solitary stem or occasionally forms a small clump. The stem …