Cotyledon eliseae resembles Cotyledon woodii but has a smaller size, sticky leaves, significantly longer compound inflorescences, and more narrow corollas.
Scientific Name
Cotyledon eliseae van Jaarsv.
Scientific Classification
Family: Crassulaceae
Subfamily: Kalanchoideae
Genus: Cotyledon
The specific epithet "eliseae" (pronounced ee-LISE-ay) honors Elise Bodley van Wyk (1922-1997), a South African botanical artist, who illustrated the book "Cotyledon and Tylecodon" by Ernst van Jaarsveld and Daryl Koutnik (2004).
Cotyledon eliseae is native to South Africa. It grows on steep to sheer quartzitic sandstone cliff faces and is known only from the Schoemanspoort area of the Gouritz River valley in the Western Cape province.
Cotyledon eliseae is a well-branched, rounded, succulent shrublet with woody branches and thick, fleshy leaves. It can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall, excluding the inflorescence. The branches are gray with peeling bark and can reach a diameter of up to 0.2 inches (0.5 cm). Young branches are green and covered in glandular hairs. The leaves are inversely lance-shaped to inversely egg-shaped, convex on both surfaces, measuring up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) long and 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) wide. They are sticky, glandular-hairy, and green with purple margins in the upper third.
During summer, Cotyledon eliseae produces clusters of funnel-shaped flowers on erect stalks that can grow up to 3.6 inches (9 cm) tall. The flowers have green calyx with triangular lobes and orange-red to deep red corolla with a cylindrical tube and spreading lance-shaped lobes. They can reach up to 0.5 inches (1.2 cm) in length.

How to Grow and Care for Cotyledon eliseae
Light: Cotyledon eliseae is a plant that needs plenty of sunlight to thrive. While it can be somewhat flexible, it grows and blooms at its best when exposed to full sun. If you are growing it Indoors, it is best to keep it near a sunny window or under a grow light.
Soil: To keep your plant healthy, it is important to use well-draining soil. Overwatering and poor drainage can cause root rot. You can use a commercial soil mix for succulents or make your own.
Temperature: This plant can withstand high temperatures and cool, frost-free conditions during the winter if kept dry. Cotyledon eliseae grows best in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 9b to 11b, with average minimum winter temperatures ranging from 25 to 50 °F (-3.9 to 10 °C).
Watering: To properly care for this plant, follow general watering procedures for succulents. During the growing season, water it deeply enough for the excess water to flow out through the drainage holes, and then allow the soil to completely dry out before watering again. In the winter, reduce watering.
Fertilizing: To ensure optimum growth, it is recommended to feed your plant with a water-soluble fertilizer, but only during the growing season.
Repotting: It is not necessary to repot this plant frequently. Only repot it when the pot is becoming too small or shallow. Choose a pot with at least one drainage hole at the bottom.
Propagation: To propagate Cotyledon eliseae, you can use stem cuttings, mature leaves, or seeds. For best results, take cuttings during the fall. Fall and winter are ideal for sowing if you prefer to start this plant from seeds.
Learn more at How to Grow and Care for Cotyledon.
Toxicity of Cotyledon eliseae
Cotyledon eliseae is considered toxic. Therefore, keeping it away from children, pets, and livestock is best.
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