Stenocereus pruinosus (Gray Ghost Organ Pipe) is a large shrubby or tree-like cactus with a distinct trunk from which the branching stems…
Browsing: Cactoideae
Cactoideae is the largest subfamily of the cactus family Cactaceae. It is divided into 9 tribes and contains approximately 1300 species.
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Ortegocactus macdougallii is a small, clump-forming cactus with greenish-gray, globular stems with rhomboid tubercles topped with a …
Carnegiea gigantea (Saguaro) is a tree-like cactus with a ribbed stem that can grow up to 65 feet (20 m) tall and up to 2.5 feet (75 cm) …
Discocactus horstii is a small cactus with a spherical, usually solitary stem with 12 to 22 prominent ribs and topped with a flat…
Selenicereus anthonyanus (Fish Bone Cactus), formerly known as Cryptocereus anthonyanus, is a fast-growing epiphytic cactus with climbing …
Neowerdermannia vorwerkii is a small cactus with a solitary, flattened, globose to elongated globose stem with 16 or more ribs divided…
Hylocereus undatus (Dragon Fruit), formerly known as Hylocereus undatus, is a lithophytic or hemiepiphytic cactus with creeping …
Blossfeldia liliputana, also known as Blossfeldia liliputiana, is dwarf cactus with grey-green disk-shaped stems with tufts of white wool…
Aylostera heliosa, formerly known as Rebutia heliosa, is a small, slow-growing cactus with spherical to short cylindrical stems densely …
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii (Chin Cactus) is a dwarf cactus with a spherical, gray-green, often reddish stem with usually eight narrow …