Austrocylindropuntia subulata (Eve's Needle Cactus) is a tree-like cactus that grows up to 13 feet (4 m) tall. It has a trunk, up to 4 …
Browsing: Zone 9a
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 9a. They can tolerate cold down from 20 to 25 °F (-6.7 to -3.9 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot Fig) is a mat-forming succulent with creeping stems, thick fleshy 3-angled leaves, and yellow or light pink…
Aloinopsis spathulata (Hardy Living Stone) is a charming mat-forming succulent with blue-grey, tightly held, rounded leaves with prominent…
Opuntia robusta (Wheel Cactus) is a shrubby or tree-like cactus with much-branched stems consisting of flattened blue-green to blue-grey…
Faucaria tigrina (Tiger's Jaw) is a small clump-forming succulent with green to purplish leaves with up to 10 soft white teeth arranged in…
Delosperma dyeri (Dyer's Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with compact foliage and attractive flowers. It grows up to 3 inches (7.5…
Echinopsis oxygona (Easter Lily Cactus) is a cactus with globose to short cylindrical stems with 11 to 18 ribs lined with clusters of…
Opuntia rufida (Blind Prickly Pear), formerly known as Opuntia microdasys subsp. rufida, is a much-branched cactus that forms a dense…
Acanthocereus tetragonus (Triangle Cactus) is a columnar cactus with dark green stems that usually have 3 to 5 ribs lined with clusters …
Crassula muscosa (Watch Chain), also known as Crassula lycopodioides, is a bushy succulent with erect to decumbent, more or less branched …