Agave pumila (Miniature Agave), also known as Agave ×pumila, is a slow-growing succulent with dimorphic stages. It grows for many years …
Browsing: Zone 10b
These succulents are rated USDA Hardiness Zone 10b. They can tolerate cold down from 35 to 40 °F (1.7 to 4.4 °C).
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You can also browse succulents by Genus, Family, Scientific Name, Common Name, Origin, or cacti by Genus.
Echeveria 'Brown Sugar' is a succulent plant that forms rosettes with a unique form and coloration. The rosettes can reach up to 10 …
Rhipsalis baccifera subsp. horrida (Mouse Tail Cactus) is an epilithic and epiphytic cactus that freely branches from the base and …
Anacampseros filamentosa (Thready Anacampseros) is a small succulent that forms clusters of slender, erect to prostrate stems covered in …
Euphorbia milii 'Cristata' (Crested Crown of Thorns) is an impressive succulent plant with woody, grayish-brown flattened branches with …
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (Paddle Plant) is a lovely succulent often confused with Kalanchoe luciae. It forms a basal rosette of fleshy …
Muiria hortenseae (Mouse Head Mesemb), also known as Gibbaeum hortenseae, is a dwarf succulent with several short branches, each with a …
Aloe ellenbeckii is a small succulent that forms low clumps with many open rosettes of dark green leaves with white spots on the upper …
Pelargonium cotyledonis (Old Father Live Forever) is a sparsely branched succulent that is leafless most of the year, producing a loose …
Mammillaria haageana is a small cactus with a spiny, glaucous green, usually solitary stem with a woolly apex. The stem is spherical to …