Quaqua mammillaris (Aroena) is a densely branched succulent shrub with green leafless 4- to 5-angled stems with irregularly arranged…
Browsing: succulent
Nananthus vittatus is a much-branched succulent with a large caudex and thick fleshy olive-green to dark green leaves arranged in rosettes…
Monanthes polyphylla is an attractive much-brunched succulent with slender creeping stems that bear small cone-like rosettes of green…
Jatropha podagrica is a tropical succulent shrub with an erect, sparsely branched, swollen at the base stem and large persistent or…
Ipomoea bolusiana is a small caudiciform plant with a thick tuberous rootstock and one or several erect or prostrate stems with green…
Braunsia apiculata (Ice Plant) is a small mat-forming succulent with short, woody, erect or prostrate stems and silvery green leaves that…
Aeonium decorum (Green Pinwheel) is a small succulent shrub with dark green to yellowish-green leaves arranged in rosettes on thick…
Tavaresia barklyi (Thimble Flower) is a succulent plant with erect blue-green stems covered with tubercles tipped with three sharp…
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium (Baby Sun Rose), formerly known as Aptenia cordifolia, is a mat-forming succulent with many branching stems …
Kalanchoe humilis is an attractive succulent shrub with pale green leaves, usually strongly marked with purple or maroon spots. It grows …