Kalanchoe tomentosa (Panda Plant) is a beautiful succulent shrub with erect, basally woody stems and fleshy furry leaves. It grows up to …
Browsing: succulent
Orbea dummeri, formerly known as Stapelia dummeri, is an unusual succulent with pale grey-green to almost white stems mottled with …
Kalanchoe rhombopilosa (Pies from Heaven) is an attractive succulent with woody upright or sprawling stems that bear silvery-green…
Portulaca oleracea (Common Purslane) is an annual succulent with prostrate or decumbent, repeatedly branched stems and thick fleshy leaves…
Euphorbia pulvinata (Pincushion Euphorbia) is a small succulent that freely branches at the base, forming a dense clump. The stems are …
Crassula deceptor is a dwarf columnar succulent with short erect branches and thick fleshy leaves tightly packed together in overlapping…
Orbea ciliata (Starfish Stapelia) is a mat-forming succulent with green decumbent or ascending stems beautifully marked with purple-brown…
Orostachys japonica (Rock Pine) is a succulent plant that forms dense rosettes of grey-green to whitish-green leaves, often reddish in…
Orostachys spinosa (Spiny Pennywort) is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms rosettes of thick fleshy grey-green leaves with soft…
Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri (Jewel Plant) is a clump-forming succulent that forms stemless or short-stemmed rosettes of roughly …