×Gasterhaworthia 'Rosava' is a small, slow-growing succulent that forms a compact rosette of dark green leaves with raised white to cream …
Browsing: hybrid
Echeveria 'Orion', also known as Echeveria 'Fiona', is a succulent plant that forms compact rosettes of grey-green leaves with grey-red…
Echinopsis 'Windigo' is a columnar cactus with a stem growing to 3.6 inches (9 cm) in diameter. The spines are up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long…
Echeveria 'Crimson Tide' is a unique succulent that forms large rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves with vividly colored, unusually …
×Aporophyllum 'Edna Bellamy' is a beautiful, much-branched cactus with long, narrow, pendent stems with usually four ribs lined with …
Sempervivum 'Hairy Balls' is a cute small succulent that forms compact, ball-shaped rosettes of fleshy, furry leaves. The rosettes can …
Echeveria 'Mexicano' is a beautiful succulent with thick fleshy pointed leaves that come together to form a striking bloom shape. The…
Crassula 'Jade Necklace' is a beautiful succulent with slender stems densely clothed with fleshy, jade green leaves with sharp red margins …
Echinopsis 'Violet', formerly known as ×Chamaelobivia 'Violet', is a small cactus with numerous upright stubby stems and incredible …
Gasteria 'Sakura Fuji' is an attractive, small succulent with tightly bunched variegated leaves. It grows slowly, reaches up to 6 inches …