Pachycereus schottii f. monstrosus (Totem Pole Cactus) formerly known as Lophocereus schottii f. monstrosus, is an odd, spineless cactus …
Browsing: cactus
Rhipsalis campos-portoana is a much-branched cactus with long, light green, usually dichotomously branched stems that hang in large …
Tephrocactus articulatus var. inermis (Pine Cone Cactus) is a nearly spineless form of Tephrocactus articulatus with or without very few …
Myrtillocactus geometrizans 'Fukurokuryuzinboku' (Breast Cactus) is a strange cactus with upright, glaucous stems with 5 to 8 unusual …
Echinopsis 'Boom', formerly known as ×Chamaelobivia 'Boom', is a small cactus with numerous upright stubby stems and incredible flowers …
Parodia leninghausii (Yellow Tower Cactus) is a beautiful cactus with erect stems with about 30 ribs lined with areoles that bear …
Lepismium cruciforme is a much-branched cactus with long segmented stems with scalloped edges lined with tufts of short white hairs but …
Hatiora epiphylloides subsp. bradei, also known as Schlumbergera lutea subsp. bradei, is a shrubby cactus with pendent, shortly segmented …
Rebutia pulchra is a cactus that branches profusely to forms a mound as it matures. The stems are dull olive-green tinged with red to dark…
Pelecyphora strobiliformis (Pinecone Cactus) is a slow-growing geophytic cactus with globose to flattened globose, yellowish-green stems …