Mammillaria geminispina (Twin-spined Cactus) is a small cactus with spherical to cylindrical or club-shaped stems covered with spirally …
Browsing: cactus
Echinocereus rigidissimus (Arizona Rainbow Cactus) is a beautiful cactus with a usually solitary stem with pectinate radial spines curved…
Tacinga inamoena is a much-branched, shrubby cactus with segmented, grey-green to bluish-green stems with small areoles bearing short …
Mammillaria bocasana 'Multilanata' (Powder Puff Cactus) is a cactus with clumping blue-green stems covered with hair-like radial spines…
Parodia ottonis (Indian Head Cactus), formerly known as Notocactus ottonis, is an attractive dwarf cactus with spherical stems with …
Opuntia monacantha (Drooping Prickly Pear) is a shrubby or tree-like cactus with a short trunk and glossy green stem segments with …
Gymnocalycium anisitsii is a small cactus with globular, green to bronze stems with 8 to 11 notched ribs lined with clusters of yellowish …
Echinopsis 'Red Paramount' is a semi-columnar cactus with a dark green multi-ribbed stem with ribs lined with white wooly areoles bearing …
Myrtillocactus geometrizans f. cristatus (Dinosaur Back Plant) is a slow-growing, sculptural cactus with stems having a central growing …
Pachycereus marginatus f. cristatus is a fascinating cactus that develops dark green, intricately designed stems with white, wooly …