Echeveria compressicaulis is a small succulent with sprawling stems and dark brownish-green to purplish-green leaves with irregularly …
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Haworthiopsis reinwardtii (Zebra Wart), formerly known as Haworthia reinwardtii, is a small succulent that forms elongated rosettes of …
Mammillaria fraileana is a small cactus that can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall and slowly produce offsets, forming a small clump with …
Echeveria subrigida is a beautiful succulent plant that forms rosettes of blue-green leaves highlighted with a thin pink or rose border …
Aeonium urbicum (Saucer Plant) is a tall succulent that forms a large rosette of spoon-shaped leaves at the top of an unbranched or …
Orbea decaisneana is a much-branched succulent with cylindrical, slightly angled stems with long, conical tubercles. The stems are erect …
Crassula alba is an attractive succulent with a tuberous root producing one or many erect flowering stems surrounded at the base by dense …
Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri (Donkey Ears) is a fast-growing perennial or sometimes biennial succulent that forms basal rosettes of green …
Crassula alstonii is a beautiful dwarf succulent with short stems completely covered with grey-green, velvety, closely adpressed leaves …
Aeonium hierrense (El Hierro Giant Houseleek) is a beautiful succulent with a smooth, usually unbranched or rarely few-branched stem …