Tetraena fontanesii (Sea Grape), also known as Zygophyllum fontanesii, is an odd subshrub with a woody rootstock and spreading, woody …
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Echeveria laui is a gorgeous succulent that forms a short-stemmed rosette of white or sometimes pinkish, strongly glaucous leaves …
Orbea caudata, formerly known as Caralluma caudata, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy stems with tubercles arranged loosely …
Aloe pictifolia (Kouga Aloe) is an attractive small succulent that forms short-stemmed rosettes of narrow but thick, glaucous leaves with …
Echinopsis 'Boom', formerly known as ×Chamaelobivia 'Boom', is a small cactus with numerous upright stubby stems and incredible flowers …
Euphorbia paralias (Sea Spurge) is a succulent subshrub with upright stems clothed in glaucous, somewhat fleshy, tightly packed leaves …
Echeveria 'Moondust' is a slow-growing succulent that forms a usually solitary rosette of greyish-green leaves covered with a fine waxy …
Crassula rogersii 'Variegata' is a cute succulent shrublet with erect to decumbent branches and variegated club-shaped leaves. It grows …
Adromischus cristatus var. zeyheri is a small succulent with chartreuse green, inversely triangular leaves with a broad, undulate upper …
Parodia leninghausii (Yellow Tower Cactus) is a beautiful cactus with erect stems with about 30 ribs lined with areoles that bear …