Why have just one succulent when you can have many? It is easy to grow an entire garden of these plants when you propagate them from leaf cuttings.
Propagation from leaf cuttings is easier than it looks, and it is very satisfying to see the young plants growing from the old leaf. Many succulents, like Echeveria, Crassula, Kalanchoe, Sedum, and Graptopetalum, can be propagated this way easily.
The easy way is just to get a leaf. Let the cut dry out in the shade for a day to a week, and place them on top of well-drained soil. Do not bury or semi-bury into the soil. The roots will find their way into the soil on their own. You can expect to see a change in the leaf after 3 to 4 weeks, and the young plants will take a season to develop into new plants.

The leaves need water at some point but only a light sprinkling. While mature succulents only need to be watered every week or even once a month, depending on the season and heat, the leaf cuttings need to be continuously watered without being overwatered. Only water the soil after it is dry.
The temperature is an important factor. Succulents of the Crassulaceae family will root better in the fall and late winter or early spring. They will generally not root in the summer but rather slowly dry out or rot. The rule of thumb is that the leaf cuttings can grow only if the parent plant is actively growing.
Source: desert-tropicals.com
- Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family, USDA Hardiness Zone, Origin, or cacti by Genus