Desmidorchis speciosa, formerly known as Caralluma speciosa, is a succulent plant that grows in clumps of erect or ascending, tetragonal …
Browsing: Uganda
Aloe dawei is a succulent plant with erect or decumbent stems and fleshy, lance-shaped leaves with reddish-brown teeth along the margins …
Aloe labworana (Labwor Hills Aloe) is an attractive succulent plant that forms stemless, sparsely offsetting rosettes of gray-green to …
Aeonium leucoblepharum is a succulent shrub with branched sprawling or hanging stems with prominent leaf scars and rosettes of fleshy …
Euphorbia succulenta 'Variegata', formerly known as Monadenium succulentum 'Variegatum', is an attractive succulent that grows from a …
Orbea schweinfurthii is a mat-forming succulent with slender, branching stems with widely spaced tubercles ending in a conical tooth. The …
Euphorbia breviarticulata (False Cow Horn) is a succulent shrub with fleshy, 3- to 4-angled, deeply winged branches with spine shields …
Ceropegia buchananii, formerly known as Brachystelma buchananii, is a perennial succulent with annual, erect or procumbent stems growing …
Euphorbia succulenta, formerly Monadenium succulentum, is a succulent plant with a large fleshy rootstock, numerous erect or decumbent …
Euphorbia tescorum is a sturdy succulent shrub with numerous branches spreading upwards from the base and sparsely re-branched above. It …