Huernia pillansii (Cocklebur) is a small succulent that forms dense to loose clumps of erect or ascending stems covered in tubercles …
Browsing: South Africa
Senecio cylindricus (Narrow-leaf Chalk Sticks) is a succulent shrub with slender, glaucous gray leaves that encircle the trailing stems …
Huernia zebrina (Little Owl Eyes) is a small succulent with erect to decumbent stems with deltoid tubercles joined into 4 to 6 angles …
Delosperma nubigenum (Hardy Yellow Ice Plant) is a mat-forming succulent with decumbent to procumbent stems with yellowish-green, closely …
Huernia zebrina subsp. insigniflora is a small succulent that forms a clump of erect, 4-angled, dull grey-green stems with protruding …
Gasteria carinata (Bredasdorp Gasteria) is a stemless succulent with dark green leaves spotted with white domed, raised or immersed …
Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii (String of Hearts), also known as Ceropegia woodii, is a trailing succulent with slender stems and heart …
Ceropegia linearis is a climbing semi-succulent plant that produces a cluster of slender stems from a tuberous rootstock. The stems are…
Hoodia gordonii (Bushman's Hat) is a cactus-like succulent shrub with thick, cylindrical stems with prominent tubercles fused in the lower …
Stapelia grandiflora (Giant Toad Plant) is a succulent plant with 4-angled, finely hairy, erect or decumbent stems with tubercles widely …