Avonia papyracea, formerly known as Anacampseros papyracea, is a dwarf succulent with several slender branches that radiate from a tapered …
Browsing: South Africa
Albuca bracteata (Pregnant Onion), also known as Ornithogalum caudatum, is a bulbous geophyte that can be planted with the top of the bulb …
Huernia thuretii is a clump-forming succulent with erect, 4- to 6-angled, glaucous green stems with small teeth along the ribs. The stems …
Huernia thuretii var. primulina, also known as Huernia primulina, is a small succulent that forms dense clumps of green, erect, 4– to 5 …
Crassula barklyi (Rattlesnake Tail) is a dwarf compact succulent with erect or rarely decumbent branches covered by overlapping leaves …
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ Plant) is a popular plant with pinnately compound leaves arising from a stout underground subcylindric rhizome …
Crassula perfoliata var. minor (Propeller Plant), also known as Crassula falcata or Crassula perfoliata var. falcata, is an interesting …
Crassula perfoliata is a sparingly branched succulent shrub with erect branches bearing opposite, lance-shaped to triangular, green to …
Crassula exilis subsp. picturata is a small annual or short-lived perennial succulent with numerous stems that grow from a vertical woody…
Conophytum bilobum (Living Pebble) is a small succulent with bodies of two opposite, only partly fused leaves, cordate to rabbit-eared in …