Aloe africana (African Aloe) is a tree-like succulent with a usually simple stem topped with a dense rosette of dull green to somewhat …
Browsing: South Africa
Conophytum burgeri (Burger's Onion) is a dwarf succulent with two fleshy leaves fussed in an onion-shaped body with a tiny fissure at the …
Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula) is a succulent that grows up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall, branching from the base to form dense groups …
Crassula cotyledonis is a small succulent with basal rosettes and few short, rarely woody branches. It can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) …
Trichodiadema densum (Miniature Desert Rose) is not a cactus but could be mistaken for one. Its leaves end in a circle of stiff hairs …
Piaranthus geminatus is a dwarf succulent with leafless, pale to dark grey-green, tuberculate stems that spread over the ground forming a …
Aloinopsis schooneesii (Living Stone) is a tuberous succulent that forms dense mats of small, clustered rosettes of plump, dark blue-green …
Aloe excelsa (Zimbabwe Aloe) is a succulent tree with a simple stem and fleshy, deeply channeled leaves arranged in a compact rosette at …
Orbea lutea subsp. vaga is a much-branched succulent with grey-green stems, usually brightly mottled with red-brown. It forms small clumps …
Aloe thraskii (Dune Aloe) is a tree-like succulent with a simple erect stem, gracefully recurved densely rosulate leaves, and old dried …