Astroloba spiralis is a small clump-forming succulent with numerous column-like stems densely covered with smooth, sharp-pointed, deep …
Browsing: South Africa
Conophytum marginatum subsp. haramoepense is a dwarf succulent with long-cylindrical or pear-shaped bodies, convex at the apex, and …
Crassula cornuta is a small succulent with silvery-grey leaves that fit tightly together, hiding the stem and making a distinctive column …
Astroloba herrei is a small succulent with sharply-pointed leaves densely arranged in 5 more or less distinct spiraled rows around the …
Gasteria baylissiana (Suurberg Gasteria) is a dwarf, slow-growing succulent with leaves that grow in two opposite vertical rows, forming a …
Crassula grisea is a more or less branched succulent with erect stems that grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall when flowering. Leaves are …
Anacampseros telephiastrum 'Variegata', also known as Anacampseros telephiastrum 'Sunrise', is an attractive succulent with intense rose …
Anacampseros retusa is a small succulent with short thick caudex and stems with fleshy, densely packed leaves and well-developed axillary …
Conophytum marginatum is a dwarf succulent with long-cylindrical or pear-shaped bodies, keeled at the apex and often bilobate. It freely …
Antimima evoluta is a compact succulent with short branches that grow from the base, bearing a crowd of leaf pairs at their tips and …