Opuntia engelmannii (Engelmann's Pricklypear) is a shrubby or tree-like cactus with a short or usually absent trunk and yellow-green to …
Browsing: Mexico
Echeveria subcorymbosa 'Lau 30' is a small succulent that forms compact, short-stemmed rosettes of glaucous bluish-grey leaves with …
Pachyphytum hookeri is a small succulent with spindle-shaped leaves at first clustered in rosettes, later more or less distant, and only …
Coryphantha compacta is a small cactus with a spherical, grey-green to dark green, usually solitary stem with conical tubercles tipped …
Mammillaria polythele subsp. obconella is a small cactus with an erect stem covered with prominent conical tubercles tipped with four …
Selenicereus hamatus is a very vigorous cactus with clambering or sprawling, light green stems with usually four ribs lined with knobby …
Mammillaria candida (Snowball Cactus), also known as Mammilloydia candida, is a small cactus with solitary or clustered stems densely …
Pachyphytum glutinicaule is a small, slow-growing succulent with chubby leaves first clustered in rosettes, later more or less distant…
Opuntia macrocentra (Long-spined Purplish Prickly Pear) is a shrubby cactus with erect to decumbent branches that consist of green …
Cylindropuntia leptocaulis (Desert Christmas Cactus) is a sparingly to densely branched cactus with slender branches that bear many short …