Lenophyllum latum is a much-branched succulent with erect stems that branch near the base and bear green or often purple-red-tinged …
Browsing: Mexico
Graptopetalum rusbyi (San Francisco River Leatherpetal) is a small succulent that forms dense rosettes on short, erect stems with …
Opuntia cochenillifera (Cochineal Nopal Cactus), also known as Nopalea cochenillifera, is a shrubby or treelike cactus with a broadly …
Sedum oaxacanum is a small succulent with creeping reddish stems that bear small green leaves with dusted white tips. The stems can grow …
Stenocactus multicostatus (Brain Cactus) is a small cactus with depressed globose to somewhat cylindrical stems with up to 120 thin …
Echinocereus enneacanthus subsp. brevispinus (Strawberry Cactus) is a clump-forming cactus with green, cylindrical stems with usually 6 …
Agave potatorum var. verschaffeltii (Butterfly Agave) is a slow-growing succulent that forms symmetrical rosettes of broad, gray-green to …
Astrophytum capricorne var. minus (Goat's Horn) is a small cactus with a solitary spherical stem with white, woolly spots and clusters …
Ferocactus hamatacanthus subsp. sinuatus (Mexican Fruit Cactus) is a small, slow-growing cactus with a dark green, usually solitary stem …
Mammillaria tetrancistra (Common Fishhook Cactus) is a fishhook cactus with a cylindrical, usually solitary stem that grows up to 10…