Aloe chabaudii (Dwala Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms stemless or short-stemmed rosettes of grey-green to glaucous green leaves …
Browsing: Malawi
Aloe greatheadii (Spotted Aloe) is a succulent plant that forms a stemless, usually solitary rosette of greyish-green leaves with…
Fockea multiflora (Python Vine) is a large succulent with a swollen tuberous base and branches that sprawl on the ground or twine around …
Fockea angustifolia is a caudiciform plant with erect or climbing stems growing from a large tuber. The stems are slender, woody, and …
Aloe arborescens (Torch Aloe) is a much-branched succulent shrub with spreading to slightly reflexed leaves clustered at the branch tips …
Aloe cryptopoda is a beautiful succulent with a spectacular display in full flower. It can grow solitary or in a small group of rosettes …
Orbea schweinfurthii is a mat-forming succulent with slender, branching stems with widely spaced tubercles ending in a conical tooth. The …
Ceropegia buchananii, formerly known as Brachystelma buchananii, is a perennial succulent with annual, erect or procumbent stems growing …
Crassula sarcocaulis subsp. rupicola (Bonsai Crassula) is a densely branched succulent shrublet with erect or spreading, rarely decumbent …
Huernia aspera is a small succulent with mid-green to purplish, obtusely five- to six-angled stems with small, rigid, tooth-like …