Sedum aetnense is a small annual succulent with erect or ascending, usually simple stems covered with fleshy erect-appressed leaves …
Browsing: Iran
Sedum annuum (Annual Stonecrop) is an annual or rarely biennial succulent with erect stems that bear pea green or red-tinged leaves. It…
Hylotelephium caucasicum, formerly known as Sedum caucasicum, is a succulent plant with fusiform roots and unbranched, erect to ascending…
Phedimus obtusifolius, also known as Sedum obtusifolium, is a succulent plant with an interesting and unusual life cycle. It differs from …
Euphorbia antiquorum (Antique Spurge) is a succulent shrub or small tree with ascending branches and green leaves clustered at the apex …
Phedimus spurious (Caucasian Stonecrop), formerly known as Sedum spurium, is a mat-forming succulent that spreads by creeping stems that …
Portulaca oleracea subsp. sativa (Golden Purslane) is an annual, low-growing succulent with much bigger, more yellow, and less succulent …
Phedimus stoloniferus (Stolon Stonecrop), also known as Phedimus stolonifer or Sedum stoloniferum, is a low-growing succulent with …
Euphorbia rigida (Upright Myrtle Spurge), formerly known as Euphorbia biglandulosa, is a shrubby plant with attractive, blue-green …