Rebutia pulchra is a cactus that branches profusely to forms a mound as it matures. The stems are dull olive-green tinged with red to dark…
Browsing: Bolivia
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa (Red Rhipsalis), also known as Rhipsalis ramulosa or Kimnachia ramulosa, is a much-branched, spineless cactus …
Rebutia rauschii f. violacidermis, also known as Sulcorebutia rauschii f. violacidermis, is a lovely small cactus that forms a dense …
Rebutia rauschii, also known as Sulcorebutia rauschii or Weingartia rauschii, is a small cactus that grows slowly and forms a dense clump …
Rebutia muscula (Orange Snowball) is a small cactus that grows quite close to the ground and produces offsets with age, spreading up to …
Rebutia steinbachii subsp. verticillacantha, formerly known as Sulcorebutia verticillacantha, is a small, clump-forming cactus with…
Deuterocohnia scapigera is a terrestrial bromeliad that forms a dense mound of rosettes of dark green leaves with sharp tips and margins …
Rebutia steinbachii subsp. tiraquensis is a usually clustering, rarely solitary cactus, readily forming clumps of many heads. The stems …
Rebutia steinbachii, formerly known as Sulcorebutia steinbachii, is a small cactus that forms clumps of many flattened globose stems with …
Rebutia canigueralii, also known as Sulcorebutia canigueralii or Weingartia canigueralii, is a slow-growing cactus that forms a dense …