Fockea sinuata is a rare caudiciform succulent with few short, erect branches and narrow leaves with strongly wavy margins. The branches …
Browsing: Fockea
Fockea is a genus of succulent scrubs native to southern Africa, known collectively as Water Roots, a reference to their characteristic bulbous caudex, which is edible in at least some species.
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Fockea edulis 'Variegata' (Hottentot Bread) is a caudiciform plant with twisted tuberous roots, thin branches, and green leaves with …
Fockea comaru is a caudiciform succulent with a large tuber and annual thin branches that appear at the beginning of winter. The caudex …
Fockea multiflora (Python Vine) is a large succulent with a swollen tuberous base and branches that sprawl on the ground or twine around …
Fockea capensis, also known as Fockea crispa, is a caudiciform succulent with erect or climbing stems growing from a large, gray, warty …
Fockea edulis (Hottentot Bread) is a caudiciform plant with twisted tuberous roots and thin branches that climb on any available support …
Fockea angustifolia is a caudiciform plant with erect or climbing stems growing from a large tuber. The stems are slender, woody, and …