Dudleya gatesii is an attractive succulent that forms dense solitary or weakly clustering rosettes of flat succulent leaves. It is very …
Browsing: Dudleya
Dudleya is a genus of succulent perennials, consisting of about 45 species in southwest North America. The genus is named after William Russell Dudley, the first head of the botany department at Stanford University.
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Dudleya lanceolata (Lanceleaf Liveforever) is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of fleshy pointed leaves. The rosettes can grow up to …
Dudleya gnoma (Munchkin Liveforever) is a rare compact succulent with a caudex topped with clumps of rosettes of up to 20 small leaves …
Dudleya pachyphytum (Cedros Island Liveforever) is a slowly clumping succulent with a thick basal stem from which many branches arise …
Dudleya greenei (Greene's Liveforever) is a small succulent with apically branched caudex, forming a dense clump of rosettes of fleshy …
Dudleya farinosa (Bluff Lettuce) is a much-branched succulent with thick, woody, often elongated stems (caudices) with a rosette of …
Dudleya albiflora (White-flower Live Forever) is a small succulent that forms rosettes of slender pointed leaves that radiate out and …
Dudleya ingens (Baja Live Forever) is a succulent plant that forms rosettes of 20 to 70 fleshy, lance-shaped, green or slightly glaucous …
Dudleya pulverulenta (Chalk Liveforever) is a succulent plant with a thick caudex densely covered with old leaves and a large rosette of …
Dudleya virens subsp. hassei (Catalina Island Liveforever) is a richly branched succulent with caudices that bear rosettes of farinose or …