Delosperma patersoniae is a dwarf shrublet with compressed branches that bear trigonous, recurved leaves with short cilia along their …
Browsing: Delosperma
Delosperma is a genus of succulent plants in the family Aizoaceae. The species can be found from southern South Africa, up to Zimbabwe. The name of the genus derives form the Greek words "delos", meanig "evident or visible" and "sperma", meaning "seed".
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Delosperma testaceum is a dwarf succulent shrublet with erect branches and relatively narrow leaves with recurved tips. It can grow up to …
Delosperma litorale (White Trailing Iceplant) is a low-growing shrublet with trailing stems and spreading leaves arranged in opposite …
Delosperma congestum (Gold Nugget Ice Plant) is an alpine succulent that forms a spreading carpet of semi-woody stems and glossy pale …
Delosperma basuticum 'White Nugget' is a mat-forming succulent with branching stems that are spread out, carrying fleshy, bright green …
Delosperma basuticum is a beautiful succulent that forms a low cushion of fleshy, green, almost cylindrical leaves that taper toward …
Delosperma echinatum (Pickle Plant) is a shrubby succulent with slender stems that bear pairs of bright green leaves with soft, white …
Delosperma sphalmanthoides (Tufted Ice Plant) is an adorable dwarf succulent that forms a compact mat of gray-green to blue-green finger …
Delosperma nubigenum (Hardy Yellow Ice Plant) is a mat-forming succulent with decumbent to procumbent stems with yellowish-green, closely …
Delosperma dyeri (Dyer's Ice Plant) is a low-growing succulent with compact foliage and attractive flowers. It grows up to 3 inches (7.5…