Cheiridopsis umbrosa is a succulent subshrub with ground-level branches that bear pale greenish-grey leaves with translucent spots …
Browsing: Cheiridopsis
Cheiridopsis is a genus that consists of 100 flowering, succulent, perennial plants, native to semi-arid regions in the far west of Namibia and South Africa. The name comes from the Greek "cheiris", meaning "sleeve".
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Cheiridopsis vanzylii, also known as Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii, is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy, gray-green leaves with …
Cheiridopsis caroli-schmidtii is a small succulent with gray-green leaves spotted with translucent dots. It has short or no stems and can …
Cheiridopsis imitans is a succulent subshrub with gray-green leaves that grow in pairs and turn reddish to dark brown as they age …
Cheiridopsis namaquensis is a dwarf succulent that forms a compact clump of pairs of opposite leaves. It can grow up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) …
Cheiridopsis rostrata is a small succulent with pairs of fleshy, upright, pale greenish-grey, translucently spotted leaves that blush by …
Cheiridopsis brownii is a small succulent with opposite pairs of fat, not gaping, mildly keeled leaves on short branches. It forms dense …
Cheiridopsis pillansii is a succulent subshrub with very short stems, usually with one or two, sometimes three pairs of opposite, cushion …
Cheiridopsis purpurea is a small, clump-forming succulent with leaves arranged in one or two (sometimes three in cultivation) pairs per …
Cheiridopsis denticulata is a succulent subshrub with opposite, one or two, sometimes three pairs of thick, fleshy leaves forming a gaping …