Aloidendron barberae (Giant Tree Aloe), formerly known as Aloe barberae, is a succulent tree branching dichotomously many times from a …
Browsing: Aloidendron
Aloidendron is a genus of succulent plants in the subfamily Asphodeloideae. It was split off from the much larger genus Aloe in 2013.
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Aloidendron tongaense 'Medusa' (Mozambique Tree Aloe), formerly known as Aloe tongaensis 'Medusa', is a tree-like succulent with heavy …
Aloidendron tongaense (Tonga Tree Aloe), formerly known as Aloe tongaensis, is a succulent tree with an erect stout trunk and…
Aloidendron dichotomum (Quiver Tree), formerly known as Aloe dichotoma, is a distinctive succulent tree with a trunk and a densely rounded …