Tavaresia barklyi (Thimble Flower) is a succulent plant with erect blue-green stems covered with tubercles tipped with three sharp…
Browsing: Apocynaceae
Apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, usually with milky sap comprising about 200 genera and 2,000 species. Members of the family are native to European, Asian, African, Australian, and American tropics or subtropics, with some temperate members.
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Stapelia gigantea (Zulu Giant) is a spineless succulent with 4-angled multi-branched stems and large star-shaped flowers. If grown in the …
Orbea dummeri, formerly known as Stapelia dummeri, is an unusual succulent with pale grey-green to almost white stems mottled with …
Orbea ciliata (Starfish Stapelia) is a mat-forming succulent with green decumbent or ascending stems beautifully marked with purple-brown…
Pachypodium namaquanum (Elephant's Trunk) is a slow-growing succulent with a cylindrical, simple or rarely branched stem covered with…
Orbea lutea (Yellow Carrion Flower) is a succulent plant with green stems mottled maroon to purple when grown in full sun. The stems are …
Adenium obesum subsp. boehmianum (Bushman's Poison), also known as Adenium boehmianum, is a slow-growing shrub or small tree with barely …
Edithcolea grandis (Persian Carpet Flower) is a succulent plant with leafless, richly branched stems and attractive pale yellow flowers …
Orbea variegata (Starfish Plant), formerly known as Stapelia variegata, is a popular succulent with toothed, four-angled stems usually …
Pachypodium lamerei (Madagascar Palm) is a semi-deciduous succulent tree with a silver-gray trunk, generally solitary or scarcely branched…