Huernia saudi-arabica is a small succulent that forms clumps of fleshy stems with soft, triangular tubercles joined into five continuous …
Browsing: Apocynaceae
Apocynaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes trees, shrubs, herbs, stem succulents, and vines, usually with milky sap comprising about 200 genera and 2,000 species. Members of the family are native to European, Asian, African, Australian, and American tropics or subtropics, with some temperate members.
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Pachypodium lealii (Bottle Tree) is a succulent shrub or small tree with a thick, bottle-shaped trunk that is almost branchless until the …
Ceropegia sandersonii (Parachute Plant) is a succulent plant with twining stems that bear heart-shaped leaves. Solitary flowers are green …
Plumeria rubra (Frangipani) is a deciduous tree with upright branches crowded on a thick succulent trunk, forming a vase or umbrella shape …
Hoya heuschkeliana is a beautiful plant that can be grown hanging or wrapped on support. The leaves are thick, slightly curved, lighter …
Ceropegia cimiciodora is a succulent climber with thick, mottled twining stems that can grow up to 3.3 feet (1 m) long. The leaves are …
Hoya pachyclada 'Red Corona' (Wax Plant) is a slow-growing plant with short, densely clothed stems with thick green leaves. The leaves …
Stapelia schinzii is a small succulent with green stems, usually mottled with purple, that arise from a short horizontal base. It forms …
Hoodia pilifera is a succulent shrub with erect, greyish-green to brown-green stems with tubercles fused below the middle into 20 to 34 …
Adenium somalense var. crispum, also known as Adenium crispum, is a small, slow-growing succulent with distinctive flowers and a large …