Trichodiadema densum (Miniature Desert Rose) is not a cactus but could be mistaken for one. Its leaves end in a circle of stiff hairs …
Browsing: Aizoaceae
Aizoaceae is a a very large family of dicotyledonous flowering plants containing 135 genera and about 1900 species, largely endemic to Southern Africa. A few species are found in Australia and the Pacific area. They are commonly known as stone plants or carpet weeds. Species that resemble stones or pebbles are sometimes called Mesembs. Several species are known as "ice plants" because of the glistening globular bladder cells covering their stems, fruit and leaves.
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Aloinopsis schooneesii (Living Stone) is a tuberous succulent that forms dense mats of small, clustered rosettes of plump, dark blue-green …
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium 'Variegatum' (Baby Sun Rose), formerly known as Aptenia cordifolia 'Variegata', is a lovely mat-forming …
Lithops ruschiorum (Bushman's Buttocks) is a stemless succulent that usually grows in a clump of 5 to 6 bodies or occasionally forms …
Lithops salicola (Salt-dwelling Living Stone) is a dwarf succulent with a body of two opposite leaves, truncated in profile and divided …
Lithops otzeniana (Living Stones) is a dwarf succulent with somewhat heart-shaped bodies of two opposite leaves with a deep fissure …
Pleiospilos nelii (Split Rock) is a dwarf succulent with one or more pairs of opposite leaves that form a clefted, egg-shaped body …
Delosperma echinatum (Pickle Plant) is a shrubby succulent with slender stems that bear pairs of bright green leaves with soft, white …
Corpuscularia taylorii (Ice Plant) is a compact succulent subshrub with upright or ascending branches with lovely grey-green leaves …
Corpuscularia lehmannii (Ice Plant) is a compact, densely leafy succulent with long ascending stems and numerous short branches, all with …