Aloinopsis rubrolineata is a small succulent with a branching habit and dark olive-green, tongue-like leaves covered with small, round …
Browsing: Aizoaceae
Aizoaceae is a a very large family of dicotyledonous flowering plants containing 135 genera and about 1900 species, largely endemic to Southern Africa. A few species are found in Australia and the Pacific area. They are commonly known as stone plants or carpet weeds. Species that resemble stones or pebbles are sometimes called Mesembs. Several species are known as "ice plants" because of the glistening globular bladder cells covering their stems, fruit and leaves.
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Aloinopsis rosulata is a compact draft succulent with a thick rootstock and 2 or 3 leaf pairs to a branch, forming rosettes. The rootstock …
Acrodon bellidiflorus (Common Tiptoothfig) is a small succulent plant that branches near the base, forming compact clumps of creeping …
Braunsia maximiliani (Beads Lampranthus), also known as Lampranthus maximiliani, is a beautiful succulent shrublet that blooms early in …
Lithops pseudotruncatella (Truncate Living Stone) is a dwarf succulent with bodies that consist of two pale brownish-gray leaves with …
Tetragonia tetragonoides (New Zealand Spinach), also known as Tetragonia tetragonioides, is an annual to short-lived perennial with …
Lithops karasmontana 'Top Red' is a dwarf succulent that forms clumps of pairs of thick, fleshy leaves fused in an inverted cone-shaped …
Lithops karasmontana (Karas Mountains Living Stone) is a dwarf clump-forming succulent with bodies consisting of pairs of thick fleshy …
Oscularia caulescens (Dassievygie) is a beautiful succulent ground cover with trailing reddish stems and fleshy, blue-green, 3-angled …
Conophytum marginatum subsp. haramoepense is a dwarf succulent with long-cylindrical or pear-shaped bodies, convex at the apex, and …