Remove the ZZ Plant with yellowing leaves from its pot to rescue it. The discoloration is typically caused by too much water, which causes…
Browsing: Cultivation
Sunburn on a succulent plant shows the worst damage at the top and side facing the sun. Ridges are more likely to burn than valleys along…
Any healthy succulent is a candidate for propagation, especially those with central trunk-like stems. If propagating from a rosette-shaped…
All species are sensitive to moisture. Therefore, watering should be limited to the growing season and only when the substrate is…
Desert cacti are a challenge to get to bloom indoors, simply because we cannot provide as much light as a sun-drenched desert. In addition…
Calandrinia plants are very easy to care for as they can tolerate prolonged dry periods. They do not like to much water, especially in the…
As most plants commonly referred to as succulents are different families, the care instructions will differ for them. The best way to…
Cut cleanly through a vegetative stem of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy). This is a stem that has no flower growth. Make the cutting…
Lampranthus thrive in well-drained, poor soils and are suitable for soils with a sandy or rocky texture, although they'll grow in almost…
If you want to give it a try and see what you get, seed propagation is right for you. If you would rather have more of the same plant, you…