Oreocereus celsianus (Old Man of the Andes) is a slow-growing cactus with columnar, green-grey to dark green stems densely covered with …
Browsing: Cactoideae
Cactoideae is the largest subfamily of the cactus family Cactaceae. It is divided into 9 tribes and contains approximately 1300 species.
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Parodia mammulosa subsp. submammulosa, formerly known as Notocactus submammulosus, is a small cactus that grows slowly and has a solitary …
Matucana krahnii is a small cactus with gray-green, spherical to short cylindrical stems with 10 to 18 ribs divided into tubercles widened …
Pilosocereus pentaedrophorus is a shrubby or tree-like cactus with erect stems that usually have 4 to 6, sometimes up to 10 ribs lined …
Gymnocalycium anisitsii var. tucavocense is a small cactus with flattened spherical stems with 8 to 11 notched ribs and fuzzy areoles with …
Acanthocalycium thionanthum, also known as Echinopsis thionantha, is a small cactus with a spherical to cylindrical stem with 9 to 25 …
Parodia aureispina, also known as Parodia microsperma subsp. aureispina, is a small cactus with spherical, green to slightly bluish stems …
Parodia microsperma is small cactus with stems that have spirally arranged tubercles into 13 to 21 ribs, each with a cluster of spines at …
Parodia concinna (Sun Cup) is a small cactus with a depressed spherical stem with 15 to 32 slightly tuberculate ribs lined with clusters …
Echinocereus rigidissimus subsp. rubispinus 'Albiflorus' is a beautiful small cactus with an erect, cylindrical stem nearly hidden by the …